From MarketWatch:
Romance scams are on the rise. How to protect your heart — and wallet: Older Americans looking for love are at risk of falling victim to these crimes.
‘Is my financial planner crazy?’ We’re 55 and 60, five years from retirement and were told we should invest more aggressively: Here’s why some advisers may suggest investors close to retirement continue to invest aggressively.
This FIRE couple retired at age 29. For them, it’s always the weekend: The FIRE movement can be enticing but it can also be a sacrifice.
Also on MarketWatch:
10 ways to tackle credit card debt in retirement
Home care could be the new frontier of the gig economy
I just got the dreaded list of nursing homes from my mom’s hospital, how do I ‘stand up’ for my senior to get the care she needs?
Biden vows he’ll turn Republicans’ dreams for Social Security and Medicare into a nightmare
Social Security and Medicare are everyone’s problem
Older workers are fooling themselves when it comes to work, money and caregiving
Yes, Republicans want changes to Social Security and Medicare entitlements—because some changes are needed
More in retirement news:
A New Option for Moving Retirement Savings When Switching Jobs (The New York Times)
Single Retirement Age Collapsing Under Pressure to Raise it (Bloomberg)
If You Do Nothing Else to Plan for Retirement, Do This (Government Executive)
How a new retirement law could change your savings (ABC News)
Tom Brady leaves these clues that suggest the QB might come out of retirement again (CBS Sports)
Three Ways to Put Some Fun into Your Retirement Planning (TheStreet)
Research and Insight:
Those past traditional retirement age may be a solution to worker shortfalls (McKnights Senior Living)
Microsoft Escapes Retirement Plan TDF Suit (PlanAdviser)
Where you need more (less) than $1 million to retire in the U.S. (Benefits Pro)
Bank of America reveals top retirement concerns amid inflation (BenefitsNews)
How to Close the Racial Retirement Savings Gap: Apryl Pope (NAPA)
Health insurance increases latinx wealth (Center for Retirement Research at Boston College)
To share with your family, friends and clients:
Looking for your roots? Here are 6 steps to help you locate, research and visit the land of your ancestors.
Social Security is finally a hot topic for Republicans and Democrats — thanks to Biden’s State of the Union speech
Medicare Advantage appeals to many older adults, but it’s not always all it’s cracked up to be
The number of older Americans is growing, and many states are unprepared
‘Social Security and Medicare is off the books now?’ — Biden causes uproar over cutting programs during State of the Union
12 things you need to know about Social Security’s future, explained by the program’s chief number-cruncher
Can the government’s new ability to negotiate drug prices eliminate blockbuster price tags?OK, snowflake. Here’s how to retire rich — even if you just got wiped out.
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