Bit2Me introduces its new crypto payment gateway for e-commerce

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Bit2Me, a cryptocurrency exchange company based in Spain, recognized by the Bank of Spain as a virtual currency service provider, officially introduced today its new tool called Bit2Me Commerce, an online payment gateway for e-commerce to facilitate purchases with cryptocurrencies.

The new service of the Spanish exchange allows e-commerce owners to trade, make withdrawals, and other transactions with cryptocurrencies thanks to a configurable interface that enables them to operate with virtual wallets in a personalized, secure and easy way.

“Commerce is a great tool to eliminate fraud in online businesses. Tools such as Bit2Me Commerce are the future since they will allow e-commerce managers to offer new payment alternatives that will position them in the market as innovative and technologically secure companies.”
– Leif Ferreira, CEO of Bit2Me

CryptoTour Launch: Bit2Me introduces Bit2Me Commerce 

Today, Bit2Me officially presented Bit2Me Commerce at the Port of Castellón, part of Bit2Me’s CryptoTour; the strategy of the Spanish exchange to turn Spain into a global crypto benchmark through knowledge of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology via universities, companies, and public institutions.

Attendees of the event included the president of PortCastelló, Rafael Simó; the CEO of the port institution, José María Gómez Fuster; the CEO of Bit2Me, Leif Ferreira; the CEO of Coolmod, Francisco Fábrega; and the director of airports, ports and logistics of Indra, Lidia Muñoz.

The event was closed by the mayoress of Castellón de la Plana, Amparo Marco Gual, who was very pleased to promote Castellón as a benchmark region in blockchain and crypto technology.


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