If you want to try the newest addition to the Girl Scout cookie lineup, you may have to head to eBay
— and pay as much as $50 a box.
The Raspberry Rally cookie, which was introduced this year as part of the annual Girl Scouts cookie drive, has indeed been a hot seller. The cookie was sold by the Girl Scouts only online, but if you check the ordering platforms for most scout troops, you’ll find it’s no longer available.
Hence, some eBay sellers have stepped in to fill the Raspberry Rally void…at a price.
“Hard to find,” said one seller offering two boxes for $100.
“Sold out online,” said another seller, who’s hawking 10 boxes for $220, which amounts to $22 per box.
The boxes normally go for $5 apiece, according to the scout ordering platforms.
The Girl Scouts didn’t immediately reply to a MarketWatch request for comment.
This isn’t the only cookie issue this year. Some troops have run low on Samoas, a longtime fixture in the scout cookie lineup.
All this has led to consternation among cookie fans. As one tweeted, “Girl Scout Cookie shortages are NOT THE FUTURE I WAS PROMISED.”
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