News and analysis for those planning for or living in retirement

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From MarketWatch:

Too old? These people are dancing to Rihanna and getting tattoos — in senior living facilities: Moving into senior living doesn’t have to equate to the end of one’s hopes and dreams. These older Americans are proving that.

Are you really ready for retirement? Here’s what you might not be prepared for: Retirement has its own twists and turns. Here’s what to plan for. 

Goodbye, 4% rule. Hello, 6% rule!: The withdrawal rate has been contested for years. What’s a retiree to do? 

Also on MarketWatch: 

3 reasons why millions of older Americans live in poverty and aren’t getting the help they need

‘Brady Bunch’ star Barry Williams danced for an entire generation

Republican Social Security plans don’t add up

Can you make money from multilevel marketing? Your accountant says no.

When the family wealth talk goes badly: One in four people regret having the conversation

Violence, crime and corruption: A cautionary tale for those looking to retire abroad

These 4 things have given me a happy retirement

The strange way generous 401(k) employer matches could be hurting retirement savings

More in retirement news:

How much notice should you give before retiring? (Washington Post

Bankruptcy at Schaumburg retirement community worries residents, families (Chicago Tribune

Never too young? Lawmakers back new 401(k) plan bill for teen retirement savers (BenefitsPRO)

Stakes rise ahead of 2024 election in Michigan as House Democrat announces retirement (AP News)

Facing Financial Ruin as Costs Soar for Elder Care (The New York Times

Research and Insight:

Retirement plan contributions slipped in 2022, annual PSCA survey shows (InvestmentNews)

Experts Say This Magic Number Is Key to Healthy Retirement Savings — And It’s Not $1 Million (Nasdaq)

This Four-Part Retirement Strategy Helps Combat Bad Timing (Kiplinger)

New Mothers Who Get Back to Work Quickly Earn More (Center for Retirement Research at Boston College)

To share with your family, friends and clients:

This is the worst part of retirement

Fed rate hikes are fueling, not slowing, inflation, says this market-beating fund manager

U.S. Treasury bonds are not ‘safe’

Inflation adjustments won’t save you from paying taxes on 85% of your Social Security benefit

How to compare Medicare plans and pick the best one for you

6 places to turn for help with Medicare enrollmentDon’t get fooled again: 3 ways investors are tricked, and 6 ways to protect yourself


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